Chloe Roberts

Q: Where did you get your idea from? What does it represent?
A: The animal deer represent a friend of mine who passed away years ago. She has been an inspiration to me over the years and deer are very special to me.

Q: What technologies, software and processes did you use?
A: I used Nomad Sculpt on my friends Ipad, and youtube tutorials.

Q: What challenges did you encounter? What would you do differently next time?
A: In my first attempt I wanted the hair bristles to smooth together and the program crashed on me and I had to restart. I also had trouble removing the border even after removing the background. Next time I would get a better outline on it, and I would try to scale it out more.

Q: What did you learn?
A: I learned how to use the software.

Q: What are you most proud of?
A: I am proud of the edges because they surprisingly took so long and were more challenging than expected. I am also proud of the full deer shape.

Still Images/Photos